Prefuse // Games

Videogames, Consoles & Handhelds

Posts Tagged ‘Augmented Reality

Firefighter 360 // augmented reality game for iPhone

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Written by gameprefuse

november 14, 2009 at 11:26 am

Augmented Reality // McNugget dipping game

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McDonalds locations in Asia gave out puzzle cards with an augmented reality marker and code. Card holders would take the item back home to unlock a game on McDonalds’ website, and use their computer’s webcam with the card to play McNugget dipping activities.

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Written by gameprefuse

oktober 8, 2009 at 12:33 pm

Geplaatst in Games, New Games

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SCOPE // Augmented Reality

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Soundtrack: Daft Punk – Tron Legacy Theme (remix).mp3

Using tangible traditional toys to enhance augmented reality in games and causual play.

SCOPE merges the basic characteristics of video games and real-life toys to improve existing games or create new ones. By attributing various virtual parameters commonly used in video games (power, life, magic, experience, attack, weapons, etc.) to tangible toys, it brings the toys to life. With this approach, it is possible to create all sorts of videogame concepts mixed with the real world. For example, a child’s bedroom could become a natural battleground for play.

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Written by gameprefuse

oktober 6, 2009 at 11:08 am

Geplaatst in Games, New Games

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